Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Identify and describes four cultural resources Essay

Identify and describes four cultural resources - Essay Example The men were the ones who go out and hunt, while the women gathered the small animals, fruits and plants that could be utilised for making food, tools and clothes. The women are also regarded as the â€Å"light of the family†, wherein their role are also confounded to making meals and overlooking the overall welfare of the family. Their traditional values were kept alive through dreamtime stories, songs and dances that are being passed on from generation to generation. Dreamtime stories were also relayed through rock or bark paintings (Australian Builder, 2006). There are hundreds of aboriginal groups in Australia. Some are defined and named through their autonyms or name used by the group while some from their exonyms or the name given by another group for a certain aboriginal group (and not by the group themselves). In some instances, these groups were named from their area. One of the aboriginal groups present in Australia is the Irukandji, situated in the coastal strip of Cairns, Queensland. From the word â€Å"east†, the Irukandji group were seafarers who lived with their ancestors or extended families. During night time, they reside in sand dunes with the beach fire burned to light their surroundings and keep mosquitoes away from them. On the other hand, they reside in semi-permanent huts during the wet season. Like the rest of the aborigines, they believe in nature spirits. The Irukandji believed that the Rainbow Serpent Gudjugudjum created their landscape (Tindale, 1974). Often referred to as â€Å"the Cradle of Western Civilisation†, Greece and its unique culture is one of the pivotal influences in the field of arts, philosophy, architecture, religion, math, sciences and music (among other influences) all over the globe. Western art and early Christianity have been tremendously influenced by the Greeks through the latter’s Byzantine art and architecture

Monday, October 28, 2019

Globalization in Sub-Saharan Africa Essay Example for Free

Globalization in Sub-Saharan Africa Essay ABSTRACT It is factual that globalization began before the industrial revolution was existent in the colonial period and continues to be a major influence on how governments worldwide operate. When analyzing the effects of globalization, a common controversial debate is whether globalization has maimed the society or has brought significant benefit. The African society is used severally by anti-globalists to defend their views. This paper explores the negative dynamics of globalization in Sub-saharan Africa e.g. undermining of state sovereignty and hastening of environmental degradation of the continent. However, it does not suggest that globalization is entirely bad nor does it say that globalization is the only cause of Africa’s problems. It proposes some measures that can be considered when globalizing the African market so that this negative effects can be minimized. INTRODUCTION The nations of the world have synchronized their trading goods and services, financial markets, Ideologies, innovations and cultures through globalization. The free flow market policy adopted by many countries has led to significantly positive outcomes in the broader African region for example, creating new job ventures and advancements in technology. However, globalization has also cast a dark shadow on some sectors of the African economy , an issue that this paper will put into perspective with a particular case study on the Democratic Republic of Congo. Some proposed consequences of globalization addressed here include increased conflicts in the area, erosion of state sovereignty, imbalance in the ecosystem and income inequality. Sub-Saharan Africa is a term used to refer to all of Africa except the Northern region. Most of their economies are agricultural based and are not as stable as those in the Western world. The average income in sub-Saharan Africa is below the poverty line level. Nevertheless, this region enjoys a large comparative advantage on raw resources in the extractive industries for example minerals and oil. The demand for these minerals can perhaps explain why immediately before the great recession in 2008,there was the 27% increase in FDI; the highest ever seen(Jaja:3).Foreign companies can obtain these minerals at a very low cost in some African countries and reap huge marginal benefits. Some of the avenues they use to get them are questionable as is the case with the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Congo Zaire) is a central African nation that borders the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Its neighbouring countries include Central African Republic Southern Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Angola and Tanzania (the two are separated by Lake Tanganyika).It is the second largest nation by area with over 65 million people. It was a Belgian colony and gained independence in June 1960. DRCongo has the most variety in biodiversity in Africa and enviable amounts of rare natural resources such as diamond, copper, gold, cobalt, timber and coltan. With its resources one would expect that such a country would be awash with prime economic developments, projects to exploit all agricultural potential and high standards of living. On the contrary, most of the civilians in DRC live in poverty and have not benefited from the rich well of resources they have. They are victims of years of civil war, propelled by power- hungry, conniving national leaders and part of the international community. A sneak peak into the colonial history of DRCongo reveals that the exploitation of the minerals for self-intrests is not a recent phenomena. POLITICAL BACKGROUND OF THE DRC In the late 1800s, King Leopold of Belgium acquired full rights of ownership of the Congo territory at the Conference of Berlin. He governed it like private property and the area experienced some developments. However, this came at the expense of the local people because they were treated as slaves and could not reap any fruits from their labour. Intense pressure from the international community on the Belgian parliament led to the reclaiming of the Congo region from the king’s hands. It was renamed The Belgian Congo state from 1908. There was significant economic growth at the time but the indigenous people were on the losing end again, exploited and enslaved. The fight for independence was won on June 1960 with Patrice Lumumba as Prime Minister and Joseph Kasavubu as president. Lumumba would later be fired and Joseph Mobutu, chief of staff of the new army, aimed to ‘restore’ the relationship between the two leaders with the help of the USA and Belgium governments. In January 1961, Katanga forces and Belgian troops executed Patrice. The Katanga succession ended in 1963 with the help of UN forces. There were several governments afterwards; the most notable one being that of Mobutu Sese Seko. His ‘career’ as president began in 1971. He was largely dictatorial; for example he revoked the powers of the legislature, fired the prime minister and conducted an election where he was the only candidate. Funds were mismanaged, state cooperations collapsed and the country was in debt. He renamed the country several times but officially used Congo-Zaire. Note that he had several billions of US dollars in a Swiss Bank account and still had favour with the USA government. It is believed that he even had a world bank official as a personal assistant. This in turn gave him â€Å"confidential information about granting aid to Zaire†. (Reno 1998:152) In 1994, the DRC was a refuge for the many Rwandese Hutus fleeing the Rwandan genocide. Refugee camps a few kilometers from the border with Rwanda were planning zones for attacks into Rwanda. Mobutu cheered them on. However in 1996, Rwandan led forces backed by Uganda and the The Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire, led by Laurent Kabila, advanced into Kinshasa to close down Hutu camps in Eastern DRC.As a result, Mobutu’s government was overthrown when he was away and Laurent Desire Kabila was declared president. Kabila’s leadership was no different from his predecessor’s. Conflict between his government and rebel groups ensued in August 1998 because Kabila saw the Rwandese rebels as threat to his government. The Ugandan group, led by Congolese warlord John Pierre Bemba, formed the Movement for the Liberation of Congo, joined the Rwandese and together they terrorized the citizens and the government .Kabila requested for military assistance from the international community but they hesitantly supported him since they did not know him enough to trust him. In 1999, the rebels and the government signed a peace accord and six other countries were witnesses. A new constitution was promulgated in May 2005 and in 2006 the first free and fair elections were held. Tension increased just before elections and the government, backed by the UN, disarmed all non- governmental factions to keep the nation stable. The trail of this civil war commonly equated to Africa’s first world war has left a trail of death, despair and pain amongst the people with over 5 million dead, several displaced, and thousands of women and children raped. It is interesting to question the ability of the rebel groups to oust governments sequentially. Could someone be funding them? Are there some hidden interests? The minerals in the DRC, and coltan in particular, are treasured gems in the technological era. When raw, coltan, which is composed of columbium and tantalum, looks like black mud or sand. It is used to produce capacitors. Capacitors are used to conduct electrical charge in high tech equipment for example cellular phones, computers and some jet engines. The DRC has the world’s largest reserves of the mineral. Four fifths of the world’s supply of coltan is in Africa and DRC has eighty percent of it. In the late 1900s,the sales of tantalum increased by three hundred percent. This time period coincided with the times of civil war in the DRC.As Dena Montague states in her article, â€Å"Stolen Goods: Coltan and Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo†, international cooperations such as Banro-resources cooperation, Finconcorde and Raremet imported DRC coltan via Rwanda for use in Asia, Europe and US A. In response to UN accusations of involvement in illegal trading H.C Stark, one of the largest producers of capacitors commented that they only purchase raw materials from established companies. However, established companies were indeed involved in illegally obtaining goods from DRC. Investors restructured deals in support of Desire Kabila instead of Mobutu in 1996.This was a violation of the constitution which stated â€Å"The soil and subsoil belong to the state-prospecting, exploration and exploitation requires permits from Ministry of Mines and Energy.† Local militia backed by Ugandan and Rwandese forces got supplies in form of food, money and military equipment in exchange for smuggled goods. The militia men took stronghold of areas with huge deposits of gold and coltan e.g. Bukavu, Lubumbashi and Mayi. Gold was exported through Uganda and into United Arab Emirates. It was difficult to trace from there. It is worth noting that between 1995 and 2006,gold was one of Uganda’s main exports. Additionally, Uganda had GDP growth rate of 6% per annum in 1999 yet the average GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa was about 2.5%in the same time. These trade revenues undermined the power of the central Congolese government because the Ugandan economy gained more from D.R. Congo’s resources more than the DRC’s economy did. The fact that the international community was in one way or another involved in increasing conflict in the DRC is undeniable. If the corporate investors were genuinely trading with DRC to improve the state of the country, they would have questioned the legitimacy of the DRC based enterprises and suppliers. Another simultaneous consequence of the years of instability was an imbalance in the ecosystem. Wildlife products such as elephant tusks and animal skin were and are still very marketable globally. They were sold or bartered in exchange of food, ammunition and other goods. With a nation in strife, this meant that there were neither environmental regulations nor expensive wildlife products. In the 1990s, there were increased rates of elephant poaching and habitat encroachment in the forest areas of Kahuzi Beiga National Park. Statistics by the UN reveal that in the area of Garamba Park, north eastern DRC, 4000 out of 12000 elephants were killed between 1995 and 1999.[61]The area was controlled by Ugandan troops and Sudanese rebels. This created a human-animal conflict. The militia fed on wild meat when on their missions. Wild meat was also the only easily available food source for the displaced persons. Rebel leaders disarmed the guards in national parks, thus they were unable to patrol the forested areas. Local conservationists also raised the alarm on the decreasing numbers of the bonobo monkeys; famed for language learning abilities when in captivity and complex social behavi or in the wild(Gretchen Vogel).Another result of the clash between man and animal as suggested in the article â€Å"Effects of War and Civil Strife on Wildlife and Wildlife Habitats†, was the spread of human monkey pox and bubonic plague. The people were exposed to more diseases other than water- borne and tropical diseases. With lack of adequate healthcare and restricted movements, the people’s lives were at risk too. The flora and soil were not spared either. The people burned the vegetation and cut trees to get timber and to create room for living and farming. Due to the uncertainty they were in, it is unlikely that their methods of farming were conservative e.g. overharvesting and thus leading to soil erosion. Timber, which is a fundamental raw material for the building industry, was cheaply available to local and international traders thus they found the political situation in the DRCongo very favourable to their activities. Globalization of trade and financial commodities in the world has a general pattern where most of the trade and investments are dominated by a few nations. They make policies that work to their advantage, a fact clearly outlined by Joseph E. Stilitzp in his article â€Å"Globalism Dis contents†. Agriculture, which is the backbone of many African countries, is sometimes left out in some of the import tariff reliefs given internationally on account of globalization. Some regional agreements also exercise some form of discriminatory trade towards agricultural products. Additionally, globalization has led to liquidity of funds due to free financial markets. This means that capital investments can quickly be converted to cash. African states are become vulnerable to liquidity perhaps because of several sectors of the economy that need quick monetary solutions and overreliance on foreign loans as Stiglitzp highlights. One probable outcome from this phenomena in the period of conflict in the D.R.C would be that the rich political leaders in the country became richer and richer whereas the common people sunk deeper into poverty. It is likely that the agricultural sector was neglected(and this is where the people economy was/is based)and the mining industry prioritized. Middlemen from some countries traded weapons and money, with the rebel groups and some political elite, for coltan and other minerals. It is also likely that some foreign companies were given full ownership rights of some mines after giving the leaders of the time were given some money. The Congolese will indeed find it hard to trust their leaders again. The harsh reality right now is that so many families are focused on the primary needs of fending for their families so the idea of demanding for their rights is would sound unpractical. The fragility of this state can be traced to the days of state formation and the nature of subsequent governments. If the leaders who came into power prioritized the formation of a strong army and building of the nation, then we would perhaps tell a different story. This region and several others in Sub-saharan Africa have faced a humanitarian,environmental and political turmoil for too long. To avoid a repeat of the civil war situation and its consequent effects, specific codes of conduct that promote economic and political stability should be considered in the globalization aspect. Foreign investments into Africa require strict policies and an end of the bargain that considers the welfare of the people e. g a company that wants to invest must contribute directly or indirectly towards building a hospital, school or social hall. This will be effective in ensuring that the transition between a globalized market and the previous one involves the whole society in all dimensions of life. This can only happen with government system that is dedicated to building a brighter future for these great nations. The effective building of DRCongo’s economy will involve Congo’s immediate neighbors, the whole of Africa and the world. Conservationists should develop programs in war torn areas so that resource conflicts do not arise in the future. Global gatherings that address environmental issues should also prioritize the critical environmental crisis the Democratic Republic of Congo and in other areas affected by similar or even worse conditions. REFERENCES Globalization, Culture and the Great Disruption: An Assessment International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences February 2012, Vol. 2, No. 2 Dena Montague, Stolen Goods: Coltan and Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, SAIS Review 22.1 (2002) 103-118 Joseph P. Dudley1,*, Joshua R. Ginsberg2, Andrew J. Plumptre2, John A. Hart2, Liliana C. Campos3Conservation Biology Volume pages 319–329, April 2002 Effects of War and Civil Strife on Wildlife and Wildlife Habitats Alan Cowell, Letter from Britain: Lack of African Dream Lets a Nightmare Prevail by The International Herald Tribune, 2 August 2006 Stiglitz Joseph.Globalism Discontents Conflict in Congo Threatens Bonobos and Rare Gorillas * Gretchen Vogel Science 31 March 2000: 287 (5462), 2386-2387. [DOI:10.1126/science.287.5462.2386] Report of the UN Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2002. Reno, William. 1998. Warlord Politics and African States. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner.(preface of the book)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Immortal :: essays research papers

THEIMMORTAL  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By:me n ur .............  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I read the book called the immortal by Christofer Pike. The story takes place in an island Greco in Greece. It is a great island and is mostly for tourism. But near that island about 5 miles away from Greco is a sacred island of Delos which attracts many tourists. It is sacred because its very old and there are prehistoric ruins everywhere on it. But the main reason it is sacred is because many believe Zeus the all powerful god was born there.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are 4 main characters. Two at the start and than there are two more. The two girls who are coming to the island to have a great time are Helen and Josie. They are best friends. Josies dad is a writter of movies in Hollywood and her parents are separated but she lives with her dad. Helen comes from a middle class family with not close to as much money as Josie dad has but her parents do everything they can to keep her happy. Helen also visited the island last summer. Then later in the story the are joined by two guys who they meet in a bar. They are Tom and Pascal. Tom is an English boy who goes to Oxford. Pascal is a French guy who is Toms very good friend. They both come to the island every year to work and catch some pretty girls. There are a whole lot of beaches and even nude beaches all over the island. They all start going out Tom with Josie and Helen with Pascal.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The conflict of the story I think was man VS man because at the end they found out who each of them were for real. It turned out that Josie was a goddess of good and Helen was a goddess of bad. Helen did try to kill Josie and Tom but Josie saved Tom but died herself. So I think the conflict was between Helen and Josie so that makes the conflict be man VS man. Josie found out about her so called best friend that she was a bad person who killed Josies privoous boyfriend and killed her. Josie found that out to late to do any thing against it.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I think that it was a great book like every single book by Christofer Pike. But I think what liked the most was his decriptions of everything.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Doctor Faustus Essay

Born in Canterbury in 1564, Christopher Marlowe was an actor, poet, and playwright during the reign of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth I. Traditionally, the education that he received would have prepared him to become a clergyman, but Marlowe chose not to join the ministry. After leaving Cambridge, Marlowe moved to London, where he became a playwright and led a turbulent, scandal-plagued life. He produced seven plays, all of which were immensely popular. Among the most well known of his plays are Tamburlaine, The Jew of Malta, and Doctor Faustus. Marlowe was a great innovator of blank verse, unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter. The richness of his dramatic verse anticipates Shakespeare, and some argue that Shakespeare’s achievements owed considerable debt to Marlowe’s influence. Doctor Faustus was probably written in 1592, although the exact date of its composition is uncertain. Doctor Faustus is a play of deep questions concerning morality, religion, and man’s relationship to both. England was a Protestant country since the time of Queen Elizabeth I’s father, Henry VIII. Sorcery and magic were part of widespread belief systems throughout Europe that predated Christianity. But as Christianity spread and either assimilated or rejected other belief systems, practitioners of magic came to be viewed as evil. In the fifth century CE, St. Augustine, perhaps the most influential Christian thinker after St. Paul, pronounced all sorcery to be the work of evil spirits, to distinguish it from the good â€Å"magic† of Christian ritual and sacrament. The view of the sorcerer changed irrevocably. As this new Christian folklore of sorcery evolved, certain motifs rose to prominence. Once Christ was rejected, a sorcerer could give his soul to the devil instead, receiving in exchange powers in this life, here and now. Numerous Christian stories feature such bargains, and one of the most famous evolved around the historical person Johanned Faustus, a German astrologer of the early sixteenth century. Marlowe took his plot from an earlier German play about Faustus, but he transformed an old story into a powerhouse of a work, one that has drawn widely different interpretations since its first production. Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus is first great version of the story, although not the last. In the nineteenth century, the great German writer Johann Wolfgang van Goethe gave the story its greatest incarnation in Faust. Faustus’ name has become part of our language. â€Å"Faustian bargain† has come to mean a deal made for earthly gain at a high ethical and spiritual cost, or alternately any choice with short-lived benefits and a hell of a price.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Graduate Studies

. Graduate Study Challenges and Strategies for Personal Success Christine Z. Liwag University of Phoenix Pursuing a higher education in any field of study can be very challenging to any person. It requires a lot of hard work, time management, support issues and organizational skills. It also takes a lot of courage and determination in order for a person to be successful on obtaining a master’s degree or even a doctorate degree. Being able to manage time and stress level together with work and family management are essential in successfully completing graduate school.A master’s degree student should have a full dedication and be able to balance the demand of work schedule and school schedule. Students who are married with kids should have a strong support system from the spouse and the children in order for the stress level of going to school and balancing family time and work be lessened. One of the many reasons on why I am pursuing a higher education in nursing is to b e able to expand my knowledge in my profession and gain more learning experiences so that I can do more for my future patients.Another reason is to be able to make a difference in the nursing industry. My short-term goal is to be able to pass every class that I will take for my Master’s degree and to have a full time job as an RN so that I can start having experience in the hospital. My long term goal is to become a professional and be good on what I do so that I can share my knowledge to patients, nurses and other member of the healthcare field. Another long term goal of mine is to become a nurse anesthetist and to work in a higher position.Some of the challenges that students like me often experiences are high stress level from work, family and school, lack of time management and the process of taking the classes online. The high demand of work schedule and the time that a student spends at work gives a student less time to complete the tasks that the graduate school requir es. According to Wild, J. , (2008, pg 454), â€Å"Time is an important resource which has to be managed effectively whether it is at home, at work or study. Time, unlike other resources cannot be increased or replaced.Poor time management can lead to increased costs and mistakes and is a major cause of stress†. The amount of stress level that I am receiving from my job at UCLA is a little bit high compared to the amount of stress that I get from graduate school. Another challenge for me is the process of taking all my classes online. In order for me to overcome these challenges, I need to be able to manage my time accordingly to reduce stress, organize my tasks starting from work to school and at home and become more confident and comfortable in taking online classes.My strategies for time management are to create a work schedule and school schedule. I plan to create a calendar in which I can write down the tasks for every hour of my work and school. Becoming comfortable taki ng online classes is also one of my goals. My strategy is to explore the website and know the functions of every tab, links, and to figure out how the classes are going to be held. For this one, I attended a new student orientation and it helped me explored the things that I will need to do once the classes starts. According to Ramos, J. (2011, pg 283), â€Å"The traditional on-campus graduate learning classrooms have historically consisted of daily face-to-face interactions with instructors and peers, class lectures and discussion groups. Learning, in the on-campus tradition, takes place at the physical site of an institution. Furthermore, face-to-face interaction with peers, faculty, and school administrators is part of the traditional on-campus graduate school experience†. To achieve my short term goal, I will make sure that I always keep up with my academic workload and make sure that I completed every task and learn all of them in order for me to pass every class.I am al so applying to different RN jobs right now so that I can get the experience I need as a registered nurse. The steps that I needed to complete to achieve my long term goal is to first graduate from master’s degree and earn more experiences working in the critical units of a hospital. Effective communication with other students and with the professors is one of the key to a successful completion of graduate studies especially when doing it online. Maintaining personal communication to groups and always updating each other will lead to an effective team work and good academic standing.According to Burt, C. , Westrate A. , Brown, C. , Champion, F. , (2010, pg. 649), â€Å"Engaging in  time management, particularly planning behaviors, can also contribute positively to group performance†. However, there are also some weakness and strengths in finding an effective communication. Some of those weaknesses are the time difference of every student in one online class. Another i s the lack of time to log in to the student website to check messages and the time spend to respond on emails.To improve communication and to reduce the conflict when communicating, students should log in to the website regularly and check messages and emails in a timely manner. Overall, personal success in finishing graduate school is easy to obtain as long as the person is dedicated and passionate enough to make it work no matter how busy the person is. With enough time management and organizational skills, it will become easier and doable as students gets close to graduation. References Burt, C. , Westrate, A. , Brown, C. , & Champion, F. (2010). Development of the time management environment (TiME) scale.Journal of Managerial Psychology,25(6), 649-668. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from the EBSCOhost database. Ramos, J. (2011). A Comparison of Perceived Stress Levels and Coping Styles of Non-traditional Graduate Students in Distance Learning versus On-campus Programs. Contemporar y Educational Technology,  2(4), 282-293. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from the EBSCOhost database. Wild, J. (2008). Tips for learning: effective time management. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants,  2(9), 454-455. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from the EBSCOhost database.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Organisational Change at Nokia

Organisational Change at Nokia Nokia has been a leading seller of mobile phones in Europe and across the globe. The new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) decided to present new changes in order to make Nokia a leading competitor in the industry.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Organisational Change at Nokia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Stephen Elop, Nokia Corporation had become insensitive about the changing expectations of its customers. The employees at the company had weakened Nokia’s core competencies. The company was no longer promoting its Research and Development (RD) practices. The internal conflicts and competing agendas also affected the company’s business strategy. These job cuts would encourage innovative ideas and software development at the company. The practice would make Nokia a leading producer of smartphones. This decision was necessary towards improving Nokia’s responsiveness and agility. T he leader would manage the company’s web services and software development practices. The new leader wanted to reduce the expenses incurred by the giant corporation. The approach will make Nokia an innovative and competitive firm. The leader wanted the company to recover its glory in the global market. This explains why Stephen Elop was ready to eliminate 1800 jobs even though Nokia was performing well. Nokia decided to hire an American as the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). There are several reasons to support this decision. To begin with, Nokia was the chief marketer of mobile phones in North America for very many years. New players had overtaken Nokia by 2009. Some of these marketers included Motorola, Research in Motion (RIM), LG, Apple, and Samsung. This situation explains why Nokia decided to hire an America. The new CEO would present the best incentives about the changing expectations of the American consumer.Advertising Looking for case study o n business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company’s decision to produce GSM phones also affected its performance in the United States. The new leader from American would advise the company to produce CMDA mobile phones. These phones are widely used in the United States. Nokia had failed to respond to the shifting expectations and tastes of its American customers. The new CEO would make it easier for the company to respond to these tastes and preferences. The CEO would consider such aspects during the production of Nokia’s smartphones. The second reason was that Microsoft is a successful Silicon Valley giant. Stephen Elop would offer the best leadership styles and recruit competent web designers for Nokia. The decision would make Nokia the leading producer and marketer of smartphones in the United States. This explains why the company’s decision to hire Stephen Elop was one of the best. T his case study explains why Nokia should move with haste to revitalize its performance in the United States. The new CEO should begin by using a transformational leadership style. The leadership approach will motivate every employee in order to achieve the targeted organisational goals. Stephen Elop should also encourage his employees to work as teams. The CEO should encourage his employees to be innovative. The leader should support Nokia’s research and development (RD) team. Stephen Elop should encourage his employees to interact with one another during decision-making and problem-solving practices. The manager can change Nokia’s organisational culture by hiring employees from different socio-cultural backgrounds.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Organisational Change at Nokia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These changes will support the company’s core competencies. These organisational changes will help Nokia produce the best smartphones that can address the changing needs and expectations of different customers in the United States.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Use Loops in Ruby Programming

How to Use Loops in Ruby Programming Computer programs often have to perform actions a number of times, not just once. For example, a program that prints all of your new email will need to print each email from a list, not just a single email. To do this, constructs called loops are used. A loop will repeat the statements inside it a number of times until some condition is met. While Loops The first type of these loops is a while loop. While loops will execute all of the statements contained within them as long as the conditional statement remains true. In this example, the loop continually increases the value of the variable i by one. As long as the conditional statement i 10 is true, the loop will continue executing the statement i 1 which adds one to the variable. #!/usr/bin/env rubyi 0while i 10i 1endputs i Until Loops Until loops are almost identical to while loops except that they will loop as long as the conditional statement is false. The while loop will loop while the condition is true, the until loop will loop until the condition is true. This example is the functional equivalent of the while loop example, except using an until loop, until i 10 . The variable is incremented by one until its value equals ten. #!/usr/bin/env rubyi 0until i 10i 1endputs i Loops the "Ruby Way" Though the more traditional while and until loops are used in Ruby programs, closure-based loops are more common. It isnt even necessary to understand what closures are or how they work in order to use these loops; in fact, theyre viewed as normal loops despite being very different under the hood. The Times Loop The times loop can be used on any variable containing a number or used on a number itself. In the following example, the first loop is run 3 times and the second loop is run however many times is input by the user. If you input 12, it would run 12 times. Youll notice that the times loop uses the dot syntax (3.times do) rather than the keyword syntax used by the while and until loop. This has to do with how the times loop works under the hood but its used in the same way a while or until loop is used. #!/usr/bin/env ruby3.times doputs This will be printed 3 timesendprint Enter a number: num gets.chomp.to_inum.times doputs Ruby is great!end The Each Loop The each loop is perhaps the most useful of all the loops. Each loop will take a list of variables and run a block of statements for each of them. Since almost all computing tasks use lists of variables and have to do something with each of them in the list, the each loop is by far the most common loop in Ruby code. One thing to note here is the argument to the loops block of statements. The value of the current variable the loop is looking at is assigned to the variable name in pipe characters, which is |n| in the example. The first time the loop runs, the n variable will be equal to Fred, the second time the loop runs it will be equal to Bob and so on. #!/usr/bin/env ruby# A list of namesnames [ Fred, Bob, Jim ]names.each do|n|puts Hello #{n}end

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Memorize the First 20 Elements on the Periodic Table

Memorize the First 20 Elements on the Periodic Table If you take a chemistry class there is an excellent chance you will be required to memorize the names and order of the first few elements of the periodic table. Even if you dont have to memorize the elements for a grade, it is helpful to be able to recall that information rather than look it up every time you need it. Memorize Using Mnemonic Devices Here is a mnemonic you can use to help make the memorization process easier. The symbols for the elements are associated with words that form a phrase. If you can remember the phrase and know the symbols for the elements then you can memorize the order of the elements. Hi! - HHe - HeLies - LiBecause - BeBoys - BCan - CNot - NOperate - OFireplaces - F New - NeNation - NaMight - MgAlso - AlSign - SiPeace - PSecurity - SClause - Cl A - ArKing - KCan - Ca List of the First 20 Elements You can devise your own way of memorizing the first 20 elements. It may help to associate each element with a name or a word that makes sense to you. Here are the names and symbols of the first elements. The numbers are their atomic numbers, which is how many protons are in an atom of that element. Hydrogen - HHelium - HeLithium - LiBeryllium - BeBoron - BCarbon - CNitrogen - NOxygen - OFluorine - FNeon - NeSodium - NaMagnesium - MgAluminum (or Aluminium) - AlSilicon - SiPhosphorus - PSulfur - SChlorine - ClArgon - ArPotassium - KCalcium - Ca

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What makes the United States an exceptional nation Essay

What makes the United States an exceptional nation - Essay Example No indication of its success is complete without acknowledging that millions, if not billions, of people yearn to see its shores and become Americans themselves. It is a free country. But how did America become so exceptionally free? The answer must be found in its constitution. Compared to any other countries' constitutions, the American one strikes notes of freedom with every word. In its totalizing sense of humanity's place in a polity and it ingenious design, the American Constitution allowed an amazing country to be born out of the ashes of the Revolutionary War. The Constitution is one of the great documents conceived of by men. It is important to understand how a constitution functions in a state. It is a document that describes how a government will function, and, perhaps more importantly, what individual rights cannot be limited by that government. It limits power and therefore prevents tyranny. Countries such as North Korea and Libya may have constitutions, but they are not followed. There the tyrant rules all and no one has any rights whatsoever. In many ways America is an extraordinary concept—a state where the people are in charge. It is important to remember the reason why the Americans revolted against British rule and built their own country. They felt King George III was a tyrant. He refused to listen to the colonists and refused to grant them any autonomy. The men who wrote the Constitution found this to be unacceptable (Mason, 21). They wanted to try a new form of government: one for the people and by the people. Nothing like this had ever been done before. Some of the constitution's great strengths are revealed when compared to another country's constitution. Canada, for example, has a different history than America, and a different constitution. Canadians did not revolt against the British: they were loyalists. Indeed, Queen Elizabeth II is still their head of state. Their Constitution—the most important part of which is calle d the Charter of Rights and Freedoms—is a nice document but it is much quieter than the American amendments to the Constitution (Tuohy, 39). It is interesting to compare the preamble of both documents. Americans focus on Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Canadians on Peace, Order, and Good Government. Those two phrases just about say it all. Both documents have many of the same rights—such as the right to free speech—but the Charter has limits. Section 1 of the Charter permits any violation to be excused if it can be justified in a free and democratic society. Section 33 of the Charter permits the government to simply ignore the Charter when it wants to (Greene, 97). Surely, these two excuses are vestiges of Canadians' willingness to listen to authority and accept the word of the King on such matters. The American Constitution has no such limits. One of the greatest things about the American Constitution is the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. This controversial provision is criticized by some, but ensures that no tyrant can ever impose his power on America (Garvey, 50). Americans have a right to weapons. Weapons are seen as a guarantor of freedom from capricious rule. The Canadian document has no such right. In fact, guns in Canada are severely restricted. Canadians are used to having outsiders, such as the British, dictate what they should do. They meekly accept their orders because that's what their constitution tells them to do. Another interesting difference between the American Constitution and the Charter is section 15 of the latter. This enshrines affirmative action as a protected right. Some people also, appropriately, call affirmative action positive discrimination. In America, people make their way in the world based

Communication, Ethics, and Society Research Paper

Communication, Ethics, and Society - Research Paper Example disaster also caused massive property damage and caused mass scale human suffering, which was exacerbated with the inability of the government and other social service organizations to make haste in their relief efforts and broaden the scope of their activities. In the aftermath of the disaster, New Orleans remained the center of the media coverage, not only because of the level of devastation, which is still apparent from the scars left from high water level on the exterior of several abandoned buildings, but also because of the cultural and ethnic diversity of New Orleans. For most of its recent history, New Orleans has been seen as the Mecca for tourists and has remained famous for its flexibility in liquor laws, voodoo, and flair for jazz. Since the devastation left the locals without any means for communication, the media agencies became the source for not only reporting the information, but also for deciding the context and interpreting the information (Cutter, et al., p. 15). Thousands of poor African Americans who found themselves isolated on the patches of dry land, stranded on the rooftops, seeking shelter in the Superdome and Convention Centre without any food or shelter became the center of the media coverage. The media did not waste any time in showing the bloated corpses that were floating in the water-filled streets of New Orleans (Cutter, p. 85). Much of the media controversy emerged primarily because of the language used by media outlets when covering this event. During the first few days of the disaster, almost all of the media outlets referred to the individuals as â€Å"refugees†. However, many critics did not receive the use of this term well because it was uncommon for media outlets to use this term for citizens of the United States living within the United States. Subsequently, many news organizations made formal announcements that they would cease to use this term and would use â€Å"victims†, â€Å"survivors†, and â€Å"evacuees† when

Friday, October 18, 2019

Usability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Usability - Essay Example This will test whether the audience really comprehends the key steps of limestone cave formations in this national park. Also, experts in display designing can view the display and make an audit as to whether the display complies with the market demand. In this case, the display is intended to attract tourists to the said caves. It should therefore be intriguing, interesting and detailed. The perfect usability test of designing and utilizing a patio, the leads or (instructions) should be precise, brief and straightforward so that the homeowners can comprehend and handle the tasks themselves with ease. The instructions should expound on how concrete slabs or tiles are blended to come up with a smooth courtyard. It should also incorporate aesthetic beauty which will encourage the users to construct more patios. The instructions should be captivating and legible. In this case, manuals containing the instructions can be submitted to the owners then after they read through, they can be assessed as to whether they understood them by having them describe the steps they can as well be asked to design the patio without referring to the

Divorce amoung educated vs uneducated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Divorce amoung educated vs uneducated - Essay Example These factors include; infidelity, poor communication, sexual or physical abuse, incompatibility among others. Divorce is a legal process of dissolving marriages through a court of law. Does the level of education act as a recipe for divorce? Who among the educated and uneducated are likely to divorce? This paper is a critique of divorce among the educated and the uneducated. Education is among the key factors that contribute to divorce. As the level of education rises, the rate of divorce declines and vice versa. There are various explanations for such a trend. Traditionally, marriage institution was very much respected as it was a means of acquiring a social status in society. Nowadays, marriage is losing its cultural meaning due to advancement in education and economic problems. People have intimacy before marriage and even bear children out of wedlock thus making marriage to lose meaning (Wilcox). According to General social survey in America, there has cropped up a new marriage model whereby people get married to enjoy life and wealth. The less educated are poor and do not have wealth to share with their spouses hence they turn to divorce. On the other hand, the educated are wealthy and can satisfy their spouses and give them happiness hence reducing divorce. The general social survey conducted a research in the year 2000 and found out that 49% of t he educated proposed tightening marriage laws while 48 % of the uneducated supported the law (Wilcox). Decline in divorce levels can be attributed to the level of education. The educated couples have information about the dangers of early marriages hence take time to marry. They also take long studying therefore they have no time for marriage. The less educated on the other hand, lack sex education and hence get involved in early marriages without knowledge of what marriage encompasses. They also do not go to school thus they get married earlier than their educated counterparts hence raising the chances of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Global Warming and Temperature Increase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Warming and Temperature Increase - Essay Example Situation Average global temperature is the widely applied measure for global warming and time series data has been used to demonstrate the state of global warming and its reality as a threat to the world. Temperature measures, traced by different reliable and independent institutions suggest a significant and consistent increase in global temperatures, at least in the past five decades. Even though temperature variations had previously been reported, the past half-century has reported an anomaly that raises concerns. With the temperatures between the years 1961 and 1990 as the basis, relative temperature changes before the year 1950 were negative as compared to changes in the post-1950 era. Relative change averaged between -0.20c and -0.40c with a notable exemption towards the year 1879 in which the relative anomaly went above 00c. The temperature change had however been gradual, with average oscillations along the increasing pattern, and decreased thereafter for two decades. Though the change in relative anomaly later increased, the increase was not as significant as the current state. By the year 1950, the average anomaly was reported bellow 00c and has since risen, with a consistent trend, to about 0.60c. The constant pattern in the increment in the past six decades establishes the significance of global warming and even though historical trends suggest a cyclical pattern, a climax and time for such a climax have not been predicted and the general temperature rise is expected to continue. The temperature changes have also been realized in the arctic regions that are known for their extremely cold temperatures (American Institute of Physics 2013, p. 1). Empirical studies on causes of global warming suggest human activities, as opposed to natural changes, as causes of global warming. In a time series data on temperature anomaly by cause, whether caused by human activities or non-human activities, the two activities reported averagely similar degrees of contri bution to temperature anomaly before the second half of the 20th century. Effects of the two categories of phenomena had equivalent magnitudes until the year 1950 when the effects of human activities dominated effects of non-human activities in influencing positive temperature change. While the effects of non-human sources of temperature anomaly have remained constant, over the past century, being fairly bellow 00c, effects of human activities have gained significance and constantly increased to explain about 0.60c temperature anomaly. This accounts for almost 100 percent of total anomaly and suggests that human activities into the emission of greenhouse gases could be the significant cause of the global warming that has become significant in the past half-century (Lindsey 2010, p. 1). Problem Climate change due to global warming has induced diversified impact on the environment and adverse secondary effects on people’s lives. Melting of polar ice caps is one of the significa nt consequences of global warming and means mass conversion of ice into water and a consequent down flow of the water towards adverse consequences of floods and destruction of properties in the affected regions.

Technology and Cultural Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Technology and Cultural Change - Essay Example Technology has intervened deeply in the prevailing societies and it is due to this intense intervention that life cannot be imagined without its usage. Alongside the numerous revolutionary inventions and advantages of the current technological era, there exists a severe downside to the continuing source of improvement in the society. Technology has started instigating cultural changes in the societies. As a result of these changes, the historical norms, traditions and values are being influenced and taking new forms. The relation between technological changes and cultural changes shall be discussed in this paper in the light of contribution from different researchers in the recent history. 2. Relation between Technological and Cultural Changes Machines and technical equipments were originally invented to provide aid to humans in their work processes to make them faster and easier. With the passage of time, the uses of the equipments and machines started increasing and people began de pending on technology more than themselves. Ross (1991) defines the technological culture as the â€Å"new age† that has formed a subculture of its own. This subculture has modified the face of the heritage that was once the source of pride for millions of people. Ross (1991) also highlighted that the people belonging to the â€Å"new age† have embraced science and technology as their religion since they want logic and reasoning in every aspect of life, rather than compassion and humility. Neil Postman is a renowned author who has raised his concerns in multiple publications regarding the cultural changes that are being witnessed in the prevailing times due to the integration of technology in the lives of individuals. Postman (1993) stated that tools were made to be used by humans but the prevailing times support the contrary; machines have taken over human intellect and thinking capability to such a great extent that it seems like machines are using humans. Cultural c hanges in the societies have been witnessed in different walks of life. Few fields have been discussed below that have been influenced by the technological changes: 2.1 Education Education plays an important role in the life of humans. The concept of education that initiated from the cherished sessions of academic discussions between students and teachers has become a prey of the technological advancement in the current times. The advent of virtual learning management systems and e-learning platforms has totally modified the traditional mode of teaching that had been benefitting individuals for thousands of years. These platforms have been accepted around the world and are continuing to integrate in the field of education at high schools and college levels. E-learning management systems promote the acquisition of education through web platforms. Although the respective concept increases accessibility of course material but encourages them to attend lectures and class sessions on the websites. Sher (2009) pointed out that the most adverse effect of virtual learning is the degree of isolation that the student experiences in the process. Postman (1993) stated that isolated learning processes have destroyed the conventional gains that can only be attained during productive class sessions and personal guidance from the instructors. Personal interactions

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Global Warming and Temperature Increase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Warming and Temperature Increase - Essay Example Situation Average global temperature is the widely applied measure for global warming and time series data has been used to demonstrate the state of global warming and its reality as a threat to the world. Temperature measures, traced by different reliable and independent institutions suggest a significant and consistent increase in global temperatures, at least in the past five decades. Even though temperature variations had previously been reported, the past half-century has reported an anomaly that raises concerns. With the temperatures between the years 1961 and 1990 as the basis, relative temperature changes before the year 1950 were negative as compared to changes in the post-1950 era. Relative change averaged between -0.20c and -0.40c with a notable exemption towards the year 1879 in which the relative anomaly went above 00c. The temperature change had however been gradual, with average oscillations along the increasing pattern, and decreased thereafter for two decades. Though the change in relative anomaly later increased, the increase was not as significant as the current state. By the year 1950, the average anomaly was reported bellow 00c and has since risen, with a consistent trend, to about 0.60c. The constant pattern in the increment in the past six decades establishes the significance of global warming and even though historical trends suggest a cyclical pattern, a climax and time for such a climax have not been predicted and the general temperature rise is expected to continue. The temperature changes have also been realized in the arctic regions that are known for their extremely cold temperatures (American Institute of Physics 2013, p. 1). Empirical studies on causes of global warming suggest human activities, as opposed to natural changes, as causes of global warming. In a time series data on temperature anomaly by cause, whether caused by human activities or non-human activities, the two activities reported averagely similar degrees of contri bution to temperature anomaly before the second half of the 20th century. Effects of the two categories of phenomena had equivalent magnitudes until the year 1950 when the effects of human activities dominated effects of non-human activities in influencing positive temperature change. While the effects of non-human sources of temperature anomaly have remained constant, over the past century, being fairly bellow 00c, effects of human activities have gained significance and constantly increased to explain about 0.60c temperature anomaly. This accounts for almost 100 percent of total anomaly and suggests that human activities into the emission of greenhouse gases could be the significant cause of the global warming that has become significant in the past half-century (Lindsey 2010, p. 1). Problem Climate change due to global warming has induced diversified impact on the environment and adverse secondary effects on people’s lives. Melting of polar ice caps is one of the significa nt consequences of global warming and means mass conversion of ice into water and a consequent down flow of the water towards adverse consequences of floods and destruction of properties in the affected regions.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analysis of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds Assignment

Analysis of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds - Assignment Example The story begins in a pet shop in San Francisco where a young lawyer, Mitch Brenner, is unsuccessfully trying to buy his younger sister, Cathy, a pair of lovebirds for her 11th birthday. He meets and remembers the wealthy socialite Melanie Daniels, who, apparently, does not recognize him, and he plays a joke on her by treating her as a salesclerk. Attracted to him, she impulsively buys two birds, which she secretly delivers to Mitch’s home in Bodega Bay. On her way back, she is attacked by a seagull, after which she meets Mitch on the mainland pier and he convinces her to go back home with him. The following day, during Cathy’s birthday party, a group of birds attacks her and her friends and, the same evening, finches swarm down the chimney in their hundreds into the Brenner home. There is panic as a chicken farmer, Dan Forsyth, is pecked to death by his own birds which then cause a fire at a gas station and threaten children as they leave school. After a school teacher named Annie Hayworth is also killed by birds, panic mounts in the town and residents flee to San Francisco. Mitch decides to board up all his house’s entrances and wait for the attack. The birds are unable to gain entry after pecking on the doors and tearing at shingles. However, tragically, they manage to make a hole in the roof and attack Melanie who went up to the attic to investigate a noise she had heard. Although Mitch managed to save her, he acknowledged that his own home is no longer safe from the birds and also flees to San Francisco amid a moment of silence from the birds into an uncertain future as the film ends (Mcgilligan 21). This paper will identify the film’s theme and discuss how the director used sub-genre and combined genre elements to project that theme. The theme, which is predominantly suspense/horror, is strategically brought out by a strange relationship between humanity and nature. The plot may appear to be banal, but the director manages to depict horror by turning garden birds, not birds of prey, against mankind. Bodega Bay, a small town in California is suddenly and without apparent explanation subjected to violent and widespread attacks by birds.  

Monday, October 14, 2019

Hereford Plays series Essay Example for Free

Hereford Plays series Essay After the complex events of the scene before, Marco jumps in to try and regain his brothers dignity. This is his family and he cannot let Rodolpho be disgraced like that or be hurt; whether it was just a stagger or not, Eddie was out of order and Marco wont allow it. As Catherine and Rodolpho dance, Marco discusses a friendly challenge: Marco takes a chair and places it in front of Eddie. Eddie has to lift the chair as far up as he can with one hand holding it by the bottom of one leg. As Eddie kneels and grasps the leg he lifts it by an inch whereas when Marco tries it he lifts it all the way above his head. This simple action obviously had a motive behind it: to warn Eddie to lay off his brother but Eddie consciously knows that he wont give up that easily. Marco has shown that Eddie may think hes more of a man than Rodolpho but Marco is more of a man than Eddie; this event has generally shamed Eddie in his home, which is something this character feels very strongly about as the head of the household. The scene needs a sense of oppositon and competition. In order to emphasise what is to be a true test of strength, the onlookers (Rodolpho, Catherine and Beatrice) need to have complete awareness and support of Marcos triumph. In this scene you have to visually compare the failure of Eddie in comparison to the triumph of Marco. While Marco is lifting the chair he is struggling and the tension in his neck, face, arms and especially his facial expression is needed to portray not just victory of lifting the chair but the victory of putting Eddie to shame and gaining some respect for his brother. This scene is a turning point in the story because Eddie now knows that if he wants Rodolpho out of his life hell may have to take even more extreme measures and the battle has turned from not just putting Catherine off of Rodolpho but to get these immigrants out of his house. Its important for its visual impact on the audience because its dramatic actions of a fight for strength and self-dignity turns the whole generalisation of the story from a happy family get-together into a potential crime against his (Eddies) family and the Sicilian community (as quoted from synopsis/pri cis of the book). Its also important because it shows Marcos justified slyness; justified because he has dishonoured Eddie but only in retaliation to Eddie taking advantage of Rodolpho. As soon as Marco said Here and started to lift the chair it is the beginning of Eddies slowly increasing shame and disgrace. The victory celebration should idealistically be a smiled expression (from Marco) as if to imply to Eddie that no-one messes with his brother or else theyll answer to him. As director I would issue the following instructions: Catherine: youre enjoying your dance with Rodolpho and you are nai ve as to what might be going on with Eddie and Marco so keep off guard and treat the situation as though its just a bit of fun between them. Beatrice: you have realised that Eddie feels discomforted at the weak position that he has been put in; however you believed that he deserved it and you are just hoping that Eddie has learned his lesson and will not interfere again. Act supportive at his distress but dont destroy is ride by talking about it too much (as your character would naturally do) Eddie: you have to accept Marcos offer very boldly and confidently as Catherine might be watching and you dont want to back down now. Your facial expression has to show repressed rage at Marco; grind your teeth and be silent to keep your pride, you want everyone else in the room to feel that what has happened doesnt mean or prove anything so get on as though it didnt happen although youre still much aware of the damage that Marco has done Marco: you are proud of what you have accomplished but youre not going to look like a show off; if you win gracefully it will add to Eddies shame which is something you want to do. Your facial expression should say Im triumphant and taking it well In conclusion, Eddie cares about his family and the responsibilities that come with it. He was strict in the upbringing of Catherine and had the utmost respect for his wife. Even though he made a fool of himself and died just for his name (his dignity) we must recognise he had a strong and defiant will or view that was his own and that he fought to uphold, such as his primitive mans view that there must be a law that keeps Catherine from marrying Rodolpho because he is supposedly a homosexual. The bottom line is Eddie should have settled for half meaning he brought Catherine up and now it was time to let her go. So in the end, Eddie dies to keep his pride and his name but doesnt even gain the audiences admiration because his actions were unnecessary. As quoted by E. R. Wood, who wrote the introduction in the Hereford Plays series (1975) publication of A View From The Bridge, To be a tragic hero, you do not have to be in the right; you have to be true to yourself. So Eddie was guilty of destroying the lives of these immigrants and the only honourable way out was to die.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Discussion on Poverty in South Africa

Discussion on Poverty in South Africa Discussion on Poverty and the current situation in South Africa South Africa has a population of 47.9 million people ( the largest provincial province in South Africa is Kwa-Zulu Natal with 10 million people that is 20.9%. Gauteng is the most densely populated province in South Africa which consists of 9.6 million people. Gauteng is not the biggest province but because of the demand for work and income many people vacate their countries to find work in South Africa, people come from all over such as Botswana, Mozambique and most of all Zimbabwe. Many of these people come to Gauteng because of the working and living conditions in these countries are terrible and people cannot get jobs to afford to pay for their families. This does create and cause a lot of the poverty because not all foreigners can find the work and so then they have no way of leaving because they illegally live there, hence the Xenophobic attacks. Poverty in South Africa has lead to many problems in South Africa such as lack of skills, crime and education. Capital is what revolves around these socio-economic issues, because of the demand for capital people with a lack of skills cannot afford school and so they have no education. People have no money without a job and so they have to get capital, this is where stealing comes in and so the only way to obtain capital is to steal, this is why South Africas crime rate is so high because it is poverty stricken. South Africas population is dominated by Africans consisting of 78% in of the total population growing at 7% from 2001 to 2006. The remainder of the population is split as follows, Coloured 8% of the population growing at 5.77%, Indian 2% of the population growing at 4.18% and white 11% of the population growing at 0.43%. (Population chart Ref South Africa Survey 2004 Institute of Race Relations)- refer to chart 1 and 2-population How Tiger Brands deals with poverty Tiger Brands is one of the leading packing businesses in the country. Listed on the JSE. As a large company Tiger Brands has to deal with many CSR related problems, one of their main focuses is poverty, because of their packaging they deal with a lot of food packaging. Tiger Brands have specifically looked at the feeding poverty stricken areas with many children in it. This is the starting point at helping the poverty in South Africa. Tiger has established a feeding and education program that has 17 township committees, 12 mothers clubs, 13 feeding centres and five mobile vans and a number of other methods that deliver food to the poverty stricken areas. I believe this helps poverty stricken people because obtaining food in an everyday struggle and so by addressing one of their main needs does help them a lot and also ables them to survive through the food provided by Tiger. This project is also sustainable because there is another short term program that is linked to the feeding which is an educational program that will ensure that the people in the area receive education that will allow them to be employed in the future and provide the country with valuable human capital, with the education and feeding programs Tiger Brands addresses 2 of the main corporate social issues, by addressing health they will be able maintain good levels of nutrition and so people will live healthy and so stealing should cut down because of a lesser demand of capital to purchase food, if other companies did this of course. Poverty in South Africa is too high, many major events will be held in the year of 2010 in South Africa such as the FIFA World Cup Soccer Tournament many people will be travelling from overseas to come and watch this prestigious event and so foreign capital will be coming to the country. Crime rates could affect this and so eradicating poverty could help by lowering the crime rate. If South Africa is seen as a stable place for investment after the world cup, the country can start to see new light with new infrastructure, more capital to aid problems in South Africa, so it is key to portray the country as one that is stable. Population according to race-Chart Chart 2 population Race 2001 2006 Increase % of pop 2001 % of pop 2006 African 35185 040 37648 310 7.00% 78% 78% Coloured 3808 770 4028 360 5.77% 8% 8% Indian 1113 210 1159 720 4.18% 2% 2% White 5242 500 5265 030 0.43% 12% 11% Total 45351 521 48103 426 6.07% 100% 100% As a result of poverty and people not being able to live are forced to find new ways in obtaining other sources of food and income. One of the most common ways in obtaining these things is stealing. (Crime Chart Ref South Africa Survey 2004 Institute of Race Relations). Stealing is related to crime in South Africa and I believe crime is linked to poverty because people have no money to afford a house or food and so they have no way in obtaining basic needs and so they resort to stealing from people in cars, from peoples homes. I believe if we reduce poverty within South Africa we can solve crime because less pressure if found on people to support their families through illegal ways. Choice of company Discussion on choice of company My choice in companies was Tiger Brands, a local company that supplies with a wide variety food stuffs including basic nutrition such as bread, maize as well as canned foods. As Tiger are a local company and have a vested interest and social issues in South Africa their employment policy is directed at the local population because they have a true understanding of some of the problems that Tiger Brands faces. Listed below are some of the areas the compete in Domestic food Consumer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Hospital Products Fishing Exports of goods Tiger Brands can be seen on many items in South Africa such as Energade, tomato sauce and bread. I chose Tiger Brands because they are a multinational company, that operates mainly in South Africa and other emerging markets ( Tiger Brands mission statement is â€Å"to be the worlds most admired branded consumer packed Goods Company in emerging markets†. I believe this is a very attainable goal for Tiger Brands because they are renound for good services and quality. Tiger Brands have been involved in a number of scams such as when they increased the price for bread; this would be the only thing stopping them to reach their mission statement because of their reputation. One of my main influences of choosing this company was because my father has dealt with Tiger Brands before and has background information on it, so information was viable. Tiger Brands have many advantages and disadvantages for their company which either help to enhance the performance of the company or bring it down, Tiger Brands works on all of their disadvantages because this brings down their name such as the price of bread going up and so they try to better their image after that incident through CSR projects and helping out the public. Advantages Disadvantages * Large company = many investors so they can grow to reach their mission statement * Bread price raising crisis that brought down their reputation. * They have companies in emerging markets and so they have a broader capital intake. * * They have CSR projects which enhances a positive image in the eyes of the public. 2010 Vision, Mission, Strategy and Capabilities for Tiger Brands (www.tigrbrands/ Vision To be the worlds most admired branded consumer packaged goods and healthcare company in emerging markets Mission Increase turnover to R30 billion and grow EBIT margin to 20% by 2010 Strategy We will achieve sustainable and profitable top line growth by: Transforming the organisation Optimising our business portfolio Pursuing growth Organic Exports African expansion Acquisitions in selected markets Capabilities Ability to attract, retain and develop the best people A reputation for innovation Excellence in brand building and customer and channel management Continuous improvement Value creation for all our stakeholders in an environment of respect, teamwork, imagination and action-orientation. Summary of different CSR projects for chosen company (Immediate needs education) â€Å"Love thy neighbour† Ubuntu campaign, which helps mitigate the socio-economic effects of HIV/AIDS through education and training and entrenches the extended family Ubuntu culture through peer education. The information offered covers a number of topics such as counselling, communication skills, teenage, HIV/AIDS and the use of ARVs. Heartbeat Heartbeat supports orphaned and vulnerable children by ensuring that their basic needs are taken, care of to ensure they can finish their schooling and live their lives as children. In 6 years since inception, Heartbeat has successfully partnered projects in 7 provinces, collectively meeting the needs of 5000 orphaned and vulnerable children. Heartbeat has developed five programs which contribute to the holistic transformation of the child and consist of different products and services. Unite 4 Health Following on from the success of Unite against Hunger, Tiger Brands healthcare company, Adock Ingram launched Unite 4 health in Jan 2006, aimed at supporting efforts to improve healthcare for disadvantaged South Africans. As with its Unite against Hunger initiatives, Tiger Brands aims to ensure the sustainability of Unite 4 health projects by providing funding and supporting infrastructural development that will serve beneficiaries in the long term. Red Cross Childrens Hospital In June 2005, Unite 4 Health agreed to donate R4 million to the Red Cross War Memorial Childrens Hospital in Cape Town. This Hospital is the only specialist centre dedicated to treating children on the African Continent. At the hospital, Africa- specific research on childrens diseases and HIV/AIDS not only improves the health of the little patients, but also assists in training doctors and nurses. Soweto Hospice The unite 4 healths funding for the Hospice contributed towards the provision of a 24 new bed womans ward and state-of-the-art facilities to support the large team of professional nurses and volunteers who care for 450 people Soweto Hospice is now a vital community resource tackling HIV/AIDS complications and various psychosocial issues. Heart of Soweto Unite 4 Health committed R2 million in support of a study which aims to track the incidence of cardiovascular disease in a developing world scenario. This study, the first one of its kind in Africa is led by Prof. Karen Silwa- head of the Soweto cardiovascular research unit at Chris Hani Baragwaneth Hospital- in collaboration with experts from Australia and the United Kingdom. The Heart of Soweto study has initiated the important task of better understanding and monitoring of the emergence of heart disease in the Soweto population. Its significance lies in tracking the incidence of a disease often associated with increasingly affluent lifestyles in one of South Africas largest urban areas. The environmental control system Tiger Brands recognizes that some of its activities and operations may have a negative environmental impact and to this end, an Environmental Control System has been implemented throughout the group to facilitate good environmental management and to ensure compliance with South African national , Provincial and local regulations. Environmental management is driven by the group safety, Health and Environment policy which commit all operations to follow best practice standards and to seek continuous improvement in Safety, health and environmental management. Discussion of a specific issue that the company concentrates on Poverty Hunger As we have read from the above articles Tiger Brands deals with many problems in society and we have learnt with each action they take another is re-acted. South Africa is overwhelmed with starving children, mothers, fathers and people who have shacks for houses if not nothing for a shelter. These are key areas that need attention from the public to help re-enforce their infrastructure and living conditions. South Africa is a Third World country because of the high percentage of people living in no homes and people running short of capital to purchase food, this is why there is a lot of crime because people have no way of obtaining their primary needs such as food, water, electricity and so people resort to stealing. (Immediate needs living conditions) Hunger and poverty continue to be a reflection of the bigger socio-economic challenges that South Africa still faces. Most of our people do not have access to sufficient nutrition or basic healthcare. They the most comprehensive array of food and healthcare brands and products that play a huge role in the lives of our citizens. As a good corporate citizen, our objective is to find ways in which to give back to the communities and our country as a whole.25% of available funds to be used in rural huger and health initiatives. Poverty in South Africa can be seen almost everywhere. Every stop street, robot we see people begging because they have no money and they need food and need a shelter for their families. In South Africa we have many informal settlements such as Diepsloot, Alexander, and Soweto, where many shacks are built and small businesses such as kiosks.   Malnutrition graph 3 urban Formal urban Informal Urban Commercial Farms Rural Tribal National Low height for age 17% 19% 19% 31% 27% 25% 22.0% Low weight for age 8% 8% 8% 13% 13% 11% 10% Low weight for height 3% 3% 2% 4% 5% 5% 4% (Malnutrition institute of race relations South African Survey 2004) Fighting off Hunger and poverty increases the positive image Tiger Brands strives for because its such a big issue in the community. The Project I have chosen is the ACFS. Tiger Brands whole CSR project revolve around this one and it has many links with different CSR projects they have. This Project is called the African Childrens Feeding Scheme. African Childrens feeding Scheme (ACFS) For over 60 years, the ACFS Community Education and feeding project has made a difference n the lives of poverty stricken children by combating malnutrition through feeding and education. The ACFS has 17 township committees, 12 mothers clubs, 13 feeding centres, 5 mobile vans and 6 tricycles that deliver food. Its activities are conducted through several interrelated projects: Its activities are conducted through several interrelated projects: Feeding the malnourished, needy and HIV/Aids affected and infected. The focus is predominantly on children and the project feeds 18 000 children daily and 1 000 families each month. As each family has an average of 7 to 9 people, this means about 8 000 people receive nutritious food parcels every month. â€Å"Love Thy Neighbour† Ubuntu campaign, which helps mitigate the socio-economic effects of HIV/ Aids through education and training and entrenches the extended family Ubuntu culture through peer education. â€Å"Care for Children† Programme, which supports orphans and vulnerable children, particularly child-headed households. Tiger Brands supports ACFS through regular donations of food, which when translated into monetary value over the past 13 months is over R1, 7 million. Living conditions and Communications Table (living conditions institute of race relations South African Survey) Types of housing Formal Informal Traditional Other 64% 16% 15% 5% Water Resources Clean water Borehole/Rain Stream, well, dam, other 84% 3% 13% Energy and lighting Electricity Paraffin Candles Other 70% 7% 23% 1% Cooking Energy Electricity Paraffin Wood Coal Gas Other 51% 21% 21% 3% 3% 1% Heating Energy Electricity Paraffin Wood Coal Gas Other 49% 15% 25% 7% 4% 1% Access to sanitation Flush lavatory Pit Latrine Bucket Latrine Other/None 54% 28% 4% 14% Sustainability Sustainability- The ability to preserve something with a limited capacity and still use it without jeopardising it for future use. Many projects such as Earth Charter have been implemented in the world to enforce sustainability concerning natural resources, capital and human resources. Sustainability is about saving something for the future and then using it again in a natural resource case, in human resource raising a person in a business environment and teaching him the ways of your business is part of CSR and sustainability. St Stithians Boys College does do this with some of their staff, they do this by paying for his accommodation at the school, and the school pays for his studies. Once the employee has completed his work he will then in return work for the school e.g. Cricket Coach etc. Sustainability falls into two categories, Conservation and preservation of natural resources. (Geography for all grade 11 learners book) Sustainable Development- this is one of the ways that people are trying to balance human development with conserving the environment. Sustainable development is defined as ‘development that meets the needs of the present generation without undermining the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This means that before we begin any new development, we need to make sure it will not prevent our childrens generation from meeting their needs. For example, when we cut down trees for wood, we need to make sure we leave tress to grow for future generations to use. Ideally we plant one new tree for each one we cut down. (Life sciences for all grade 11 learners book) Sustainability has 3 sectors, Environmental, Economic and social the environmental is the natural resources and how you should manage the it, the economic environment is about Profit and cost savings and the social environment is about the standard of living and its about the community. The diagram above shows us how all 3 sectors are integrated. Sustainability of CSR Project (ACFS) I believe that the ACFS Project is sustainable. By helping out people in need of their main needs they can do this for their whole lives, as soon as they grow up they could join Tiger Brands and do what others did to them in the past. Through experience these people will know how and what to do and deal with because they were helped. South Africa has a very low literacy rate and many people are not educated this is a problem because this does cause poverty because people cannot get a job without an education and so an education is very important. Tiger Brands does deal with this in the ACFS project. Highest level of education table. No schooling Some Primary Completed Primary Some Secondary Completed Secondary Higher African 22.3% 18.5% 6.9% 30.4% 16.8% 5.2% Coloured 8.3% 18.4% 9.8% 40.1% 18.5% 4.9% Indian 5.3% 7.7% 4.2% 33.0% 34.9% 14.9% White 1.4% 1.2% 0.8% 25.0% 40.9% 29.8% Total 18% 16% 6% 31% 20% 8% (Education Institute of Race Relations South African Survey 2004) As we can see from the chart, education needs to be looked into because of such high rates of highest level education. South Africa has many unemployed people because of a lack of education. Tiger Brands has set up small schools and day care services to help the literacy rate. Private Schools are very expensive and so many children cannot afford to go to top schools. This is where you can find top quality education. Once education and hunger are being resolved people can start to prepare for other things in life such as saving capital for work and other things and then the unemployment rate should go down. Conclusion-All in all I think Tiger Brands main CSR Project is good and sustainable because people can come back and work for them. They have something good going on and they are making a difference in the community which CSR is all about and they are giving back to the community. Tiger Brands have addressed the serious problems in South Africa and have made a difference. South Africa has many problems that need to be solved in order to become a third world country which South Africa hopes to obtain and achieve. Glossary Dependent- A person who relies on another person for support GDP- Is the standard measure of the size of the economy. It is the total production of goods and services within a country. Sustainable- The ability to preserve something with a limited capacity and still use it without jeopardising it for future use Managerial- Of or relating to the function or responsibility or activity of management Legislation- Law made by Parliament, that is, statute law or Acts of Parliament. Law made by other bodies under the authority of Parliament is termed delegated legislation. Investor- Someone who commits capital in order to gain financial returns. Pharmaceuticals- A pharmaceutical drug also referred to as medicine or medicament, can be loosely defined as any substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. Other synonyms include pharmacotherapy, pharmacotherapeutics, and drug treatment. CSR- Corporate social responsibility Attainable- something to try to reach for or try to gain. SWOT-Strengths, Weaknesses, Goals and Opportunities analysis. * Sustainable Development- this is one of the ways that people are trying to balance human development with conserving the environment.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Young Goodman Brown Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main focus of the story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† by Nathaniel Hawthorne is the triumph of evil over good. A supposedly good man is tempted by evil and allows himself to be converted into a man of evil. This is much like the situation that arises in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, where two people are tempted to sin and give in thus submitting themselves to the power of the devil. In this novel, the area where the devil resides is strictly parallel to that in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As Goodman Brown sets off on his walk into the forest, he believes that there is more good within his community than evil, and that he himself is a good man. He believes that he will follow his wife to heaven. Yet as he talks with his fellow traveler his thoughts are soon swayed. Goodman Brown talks of his father and grandfather and how they never went into the woods on such an errand as himself, for they were honest men and good Christians. Yet his companion tells him of many a sin his relatives had committed and the walks he had taken with them, therefore proving to Goodman Brown that his father and grandfather before him were not perfectly innocent, good people. Goodman Brown says to his companion that the people of New England are a good people of prayer and abide no wickedness. Again, the traveler returns with comments of the church deacon drinking the communion wine and the town selectmen selling...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Polynomials: Mathematics and Polynomial Function

Using Polynomials in the â€Å"Real World† Polynomial functions are used in our everyday lives in a few different ways, this includes art, architecture, construction, financial planning, and manufacturing. We can also calculate how long it will take one person to do a job alone when we know how long it takes a group to get it done as well. Farmers on crop farms work dawn to dusk through the growing season to produce the grains, fruits, and vegetables that feed the country. These equations help them to determine how long they need to work on a certain project.One application of polynomials is that for any smooth curve we can approximate this curve by a graph of a polynomial function with sufficient degree. If you have real life data up to certain time, you can sketch the graph of the data and you want to predict the behavior of the data in the future. One way to solve this is to approximate the curve that you obtained from your data by a graph of a polynomial function hoping th at this polynomial function can also approximate the data in the future.Polynomial equations are also used in creating buildings, landscapes and even roller coasters. Lastly, and most importantly, using polynomials to pass high school and college. In every math class, using polynomials to graph and to find the possible rational zeroes is a big part in getting an A in the class. If you don’t know how to to this stuff then you can’t keep doing harder and harder math, like going from pre calculus to calculus.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Home school vs Public school Essay

More parents are choosing to home school their child or children rather than enrolling their children in a public school system. The parent’s make their decision based upon the school district that they live in. Some public schools do not have up to date materials. There are certain public schools that have a more difficult curriculum, which challenges students academically. Parents want what is best for their children’s education, public or homeschooled. Public-schools give children a chance to make lifelong friends and homeschooling is more hands on learning.  One of the most important things to a parent is their child’s learning environment. Homeschooling his or her child or children will give the parent the opportunity to control his or her learning environment. By doing so parents are ensuring that nothing tragic would happen. Homeschooling is a parent who teaches his or her child or children. The parent is going to give positive feed back to their child or children. There are fewer home schooled students in a classroom than there are in a public classroom. Homeschooling has more positive influences. They do not have bullies or feel pressure from trying to fit in certain groups in school or the clothes and shoes they wear. By not acquiring those things homeschooled students have a relaxed learning environment that has the advantage o f the teacher’s attention. There are many negative influences in a public-school system. A student who attends public-school can be harassed or bullied because of the clothes or shoes a student wears. Also, students can be harassed because of by their nationality, features or their grades. In public school there is always that one student that is very popular and dresses in the new fashions, but has the worst grades and makes jokes about student’s shoes or the way they  dress. There are students who are have seen and done things that a normal child has not, which makes these students a product of their environment. These are students who have a different childhood than most children. The things they see daily like fighting, hearing gun shots, and murders daily. These students will take things into their own hands if they are confronted by a person. The learning environment in public school is unsafe. In the past decade there has been a school shooting because students were teased, bullied, students ju st did not like them. Those shootings have had a major impact on parents who choose to have their child or children in public school. It is very important for a student to develop socially in fact, students who attend public school develop better socially than home schooled students. Public-schools have interaction with different levels of students or faculty each day of the school year. By learning how to talk to different levels of students or faculty will help students choose friends. In public schools you have a variety of friends like students that have attended the same schools through their child hood. There are new students that find his or her niche, which makes the transition to a new school easy for them. Having friends that are coworkers is something a public-school student would achieve before a homeschooled student. Homeschooled students do not have any interaction with other students during school unless they have siblings who are being home schooled. The only person a homeschooled student has to interact with is their siblings and their teacher, which is their parent. Being homeschooled a student would have to find kids in their neighborhood to be friends with. That is a hard thing to do because of the fact the other kids in their neighborhood attend public school, and have friends with the same interest that they play with five days a week that builds loyalty between the friends. Nevertheless, the teaching curriculum in public school is accredited meaning the school meets the states requirements. When a student attends and accredited school it is easier for the student to transfer credits. Teaching in a public-school where everyone has to learn at the same pace sometimes hurts students. However, it also helps some students pass a test because of the test scores the teacher would grade on curve. This allows some students to achieve a passing grade. Public school students will  not have a problem with the transition from high school to college. When attending public school all students learn at the same pace. Since public school students interact with different levels of students and faculty, they feel more comfortable when attending college. Home schooling is not and accredited curriculum meaning that the curriculum that the parent is teaching was not approved by the state where they live. Furthermore, a parent cannot teach a subject better than a licensed teacher unless the parent is a licensed teacher. Employment plays a vital role for single parents sending their child or children to public school allows him or her to obtain a job and provide for their family. Single parents would not be able to home school their child or children. Simply, because they would question how will the bills get paid and get the materials needed for homeschooling. A duel parent home may choose to have their child or children attend public schools so both parents can have jobs to his or her financial needs. It also allows the student to make their own decisions while they are away from their parent or parents. They have more responsibility and pressure on them to do their school work, get help if needed, and turn in assignments in by the due date. In order to home school a child or children there must be two parents in the household. One parent must obtain a job and the other teaches their child or children. Certain rooms in the house may become the classroom. Someone would lose their room or the kitchen table would become covered with piles of paper and books. Home schooling will allow the parent to be around their child or children 24 hours a day. They will not get a break from each other and this can cause trust issues between the child or children and parent. As the child or children gets older they are going to want some type of freedom. Suffocating them can push them away from the parent or it can make the child or children be socially challenged not being able to control his or her selves when they are not around their parents. Home school students would struggle in the real world because their parent or parents have controlled everything around his or her child or children. In conclusion public school students have a responsibility to do their work and make their own decisions, by doing so it will prepare them for real life  situations. For example, attending college the instructor is not going to spoon feed the students. It will be up to the students to get help if needed and complete assignments by the due date. Public schooled students will adapt to their environment easily. Also there are more free programs, school memories like prom, sporting events, and having childhood friends from different neighborhoods through you school years. All these things are something a home schooled student will not have the chance to achieve.

The Coexistence of Life and Death in Baraka, by Ron Fricke

The coexistence of life and death in Baraka, by Ron Fricke Why do people crowd a city and create problems for themselves? In 1992, Ron Fricke released the film Baraka, a film with no dialogue, and an inspiring soundtrack played over provocative scenes, typically comparing natural humans in their habitat to human damage and crowding. In two scenes, a big, dirty apartment complex is shown in contrast to a large, unclean cemetery, creating juxtaposition between the two. In the first scene, there are numerous buildings, showing that as the world population increases, conditions worsen as humans fight for space. The Kowloon walled city has a twisting series of stairways, alleys, and cat walks. These buildings, wrapped around an old military fort, are all at least 10 stories high, and dotted with clothes lines, water barrels and trash. The site was evicted and demolished in 1992. In the distance, a bustling city pays no attention to the stained, dirty concrete buildings, where 33,000 occupants face daily poverty in 250 square foot apartments. What is the result of such overcrowding? The industrial revolution of the 19th century showed us the answer. A substantial amount of residents lived around the factories, to shorten their commute. As population density increased, conditions soon became deplorable. To solve this problem, 19th century leaders introduced public transportation, which spread people out, and created a sustainable environment. In a following scene, the camera pans out to La Ciudad Blanca, Ecuador, an enormous grave yard, with multi level complexes of dirty white graves. Each grave has a personal adornment, from their loved ones. From candles to pictures, the decorations make every box look a little more humanized. It is strangely beautiful, with the messages and the grass growing through cracks in the pavement. This scene shows that as a world, when we get overcrowded, we must overcrowd other aspects of life. This really shows that death is a part of life as life is a part of death. These two juxtaposed scenes show how overcrowding is an issue and it’s hard to put a face on a statistic. The idea of putting a huge city and a huge cemetery together makes a point, that the present city solution has been adopted in cemeteries. The cycle of poverty comes into play, when so many are trapped in one place, with no room to improve; they end up in the same spot after life, and leave their children in the same rut. This idea was explored in Sandra Cisneros’s book, The House on Mango Street, where Esperanza realizes the only way out of the cycle is through hard work and higher education. The film Baraka teaches us many lessons, including the fact of overcrowding, and the harm it has caused, and will cause. In the walled city, thousands of people went without basic sanitation, and lived in 250 square feet or less, often working all day to provide for there families. When trapped in this cycle, you will end up in the same state of poverty as you were in during life. Hard work is the key of success and getting out of poverty.